Sunday, January 6, 2013

Who Am I ?

              I had always times I drowned in musing,thinking about who am I in this existence ? what is my position,my place,and my role in this life ?
            Me! I'm just a music solo that is being played by destiny,the day that the silence invade it will come ,and it will seem like it was never  played .
         Me! I'm only a wave that was pushed by Fate ,soon it will reach the shore,and it will seem like it was never pushed .
         Me! I'm a boat that is being guid by winds of life to the unknown,no matter how long it takes,it will anchor in the beach of safty ,and nothing will be left from it but a stack of a useless ruins,and it will seem like it never sailed .
         Me! I'm nothing but a bunch of sensitive sensations,feed and get stronger by love,and irrigate by the rain of emotions,don't know spite or haterd ,but the day that the hands of greed reach it will come,and nothing will be left from them but darkenss and emptyness .
       Me! I know what I'm, I'm a handful of soil,from it I was created ,and to it I will return,so beating heart with the youth don't be uppish,and you myself , with the imortality don't be greed ,because like childhood passed,manhood will , and nothing will be left from them but hoping and hunger that they return , but they never will .


  1. who you are! is an emasing subject to talk about it . I just like the manner of writting in this essay ,even if you make some ponctuation mistakes

  2. well done najem,i fell that it is from yor heart not just writing there is 2 spelling mistakes but is ok. good luck

  3. hello nadjmou i am always like what you wrot although you made some spelling mistakes but it was good the only thing that i dont like in all yours essays is that you write in pessimistical manner dont be said and forget the past be happy and open your arms to life and always remember a pessimist sses the difficulty in every optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty

  4. my dear friend i found four spelling mistake,so find them and correct them.And now i found some problems in the fifth paragraph *but the day that the hands of greed reach it will come* ,i think that it will be better if you delete one of those two *reach it will come* just write reach it or it will come but not the two of them at the same time.
    Now let's move to the interesting part of your writing i loved what i read,but i don't agree with what you are saying because that will mean that we are nobodyhowever everyone is somebody in this world we all have a special purpose and remember that even if your music deeper there will be always someone to whispering rhymes with of your music and also if your bored crash your ruins will serve to build another bored

  5. alliche I think that you didn't get the meaning 'thats why you said that I should remove things ,and about the way that I described my self ,well içt may point of view you souldn't say any think about it.

  6. no at all,i'm just saying that you shouldn't think that you are nobody that's all..And believe me i know what you are toking about and my friend pleas don't tack it for from the wrong side i'm just saying,because after all my work is [to speak about what you write] is'n it.

