Sunday, December 30, 2012

The One and Only

          This one is for the one that left me dead inside, for the one that left for me unbearable pain with his sudden left, although I know it was not in your hand, but it does not make me feel better, because you were the last one I thought that I might lose, and till now I still don’t believe, and if only you could see the look in my eyes when you were gone. It was drowned in the sorrow, scrimming your name, but no one could hear it.
     You left my heart scatter on the floor, and I know that it would not heal again because you are the only one who can do that.
     I have realised when you were gone that you are a lost that I cannot replace, believe or not "they say time can heal the pain», for me it torture me more and more,and even with this pain don’t say that I want to forget what we had, why would I? and you were the most beautiful thing ever happened to me, after all you made me who I am from the words that you have said, the words that are still like a spiny tattoo in my skin sting me with every move I make.
    I am holding a pen and I am writing and my tears are my ink, you have lighted my life and now you turned off, I have never forgotten you, and never will, but you are missing in my heart,and you are every thing he is searching for.
     Beyond a shadow of a doubt, all the walls come down in the end, and nothing ever will last forever, so life considering it a boat, like yours everyone will finishes his trip, maybe I can show you then the face of apologize, maybe then I can look you in the eyes and tell you how sorry I am, maybe then I can show you how precious you are for me, maybe then I can tell you that I would give my live up for you if I had the chance to ,maybe then I can be with you like you always want to, but before thet I have to continue this wreathless life without you.
    Dear if you can hear me from up there God mercy your soul, and rest in peace, and thank you for the best days of my life... (My God you were so young to die)?YOU WILL ALWAYSE BE THE ONE AND ONLY FOR ME.  

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Eyes

                                                   The Eyes

    Our bodies are  a very intresting machin,it has a lot of fonctions ,defrent fonctios that depend on the organ that we used for it.
Today I'm going to talk about the eyes ,as you know they are used for see,located above the nose,very fragil,that's why they are protected by the eyelid  to stope any strenge thing to tatch it specially the pupil,(at the moment I picteur most of you are saying "what he is taking about,we all know that" trust me it is just an introdaction  to an other fanction of it,that may make you appreciate it more)
           I would like to start with a proverb that says that;"THE EYES ARE THE WINDOW OF THE SOUL" I totally agree,haven't you ever  recognise a lie just from just loking to the eyes!,or a disaption! ,honesty!,or simpely didn't you ever see sadness hiden by laghes,yes you did because no one can't lie they expreses directly what is insid of us .

  Then did you ever know that the the looks have a grate echos on the heard,that you may hang a white flag above your door by only one look,the look that most of us whaiting for it,the the look that take a second or two,but it seems houers,belive me it is a special moment,and I'm jealous from any one experiances it, isn't it a magical organ and evreyting about it interisting.

        Last and not least have you ever know that the eyes are the only organ that stays the same as it were created till we die that's mean it don't get biger or smaler,have you?
       In the end,it is a very  important organ,and just keep it peace,and I advices you to be mor gratheful,and don't let any body lie to you ok.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Simpely Me

        My name is Nedjm Eddin, Im 19 years old, I live in smal town called Boufarik,I'm sure that you have heard about it befor ;it is too famous,and traditional especially our neighborhood very calme.
   I'm studying english in the ENS of Bouzareah so that's mean that I'm teacher in about 4 years from was my gool from the very beginning so i'm glad i'm in there. also it's not far from where I live so I can go home after classes what a lucky I am!!!.
  Actually, gettin in The ENS wasn't not my only goal I have a lot of other dreams that I'm after and with the God help they will become true.