Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Eyes

                                                   The Eyes

    Our bodies are  a very intresting machin,it has a lot of fonctions ,defrent fonctios that depend on the organ that we used for it.
Today I'm going to talk about the eyes ,as you know they are used for see,located above the nose,very fragil,that's why they are protected by the eyelid  to stope any strenge thing to tatch it specially the pupil,(at the moment I picteur most of you are saying "what he is taking about,we all know that" trust me it is just an introdaction  to an other fanction of it,that may make you appreciate it more)
           I would like to start with a proverb that says that;"THE EYES ARE THE WINDOW OF THE SOUL" I totally agree,haven't you ever  recognise a lie just from just loking to the eyes!,or a disaption! ,honesty!,or simpely didn't you ever see sadness hiden by laghes,yes you did because no one can't lie they expreses directly what is insid of us .

  Then did you ever know that the the looks have a grate echos on the heard,that you may hang a white flag above your door by only one look,the look that most of us whaiting for it,the the look that take a second or two,but it seems houers,belive me it is a special moment,and I'm jealous from any one experiances it, isn't it a magical organ and evreyting about it interisting.

        Last and not least have you ever know that the eyes are the only organ that stays the same as it were created till we die that's mean it don't get biger or smaler,have you?
       In the end,it is a very  important organ,and just keep it peace,and I advices you to be mor gratheful,and don't let any body lie to you ok.



  1. well,i like the subject that you write but i have some remarque first i didn't andrestand the meaning of the two first words then you steel don't take care from the ponctuation for example you must put a comma after "as you know " there is also some misspelled like "furthermor....."

  2. well,first I would like to say thanks for those thematec information i like the subject but let'us move to the nègative side you only mention the fonction of eyes wish every body know it and you didn't mention how we suppose take care of them or how we should protect them also there is some misspelled like "for,the the look" but generally i liked what you did good job cryon.

  3. oh i can see that's you change some things and you added a new information now the pargraph are better than befor I am really happy for you because you improved your writing sow it is a god or better gob cryon

  4. i wanne to say another thing you didn't use the transition very well tou speaked a lot then you said first then you didn't used second, third finnly. wish you suppose to use them when you use first.
