Monday, February 4, 2013

Save Yourself

                                            Save Yourself                    
          It is so cold I cannot feel my clothes I could not come home ,
I could not come home, there is deception in me and I do not deserve you anymore, no more .

last night it happened again , and I could not stop it untill it began .
             So this time You need to walk out of the door.
It is too deep to search inside of me just like a monster ,the moon sets me free
So before the darkness fills the sky .Before the kindness in me dies ,run, run, run.

Save yourself ,let me drown ,If you stay here we will both go down ,I am sorry my love you will find someone else ,it is too late for me save yourself........
It is  too late I have losted  all control you are not safe my love you must go .












  1. hello my friend i red what you wrote and i rered it again well it is obvious that its a messege to the one who always makes you said when you remember him but now my friend you need to writ more clearly because the other commenters can not understand what you try to say i understood it because i am close to you but any way what you are trying to do is really amazing keep on

  2. It was to defficult to undrestand what you have write .But ,I like some sentences in your passage .
    Try to avoid the mistery way in writing
